Friday, May 14, 2010

Awarding My Friends

Brought my old friend Roher and his buddy Mot to Leavens for their first time, along with Cambria, Sleazeburger, and Turrel. Rolled up a joint upon our arrival and proceeded to show Roher and Mot why we do what we do. Towards the end of the trip, as you'll see in the video, I found a half of a florescent light bulb tube and smashed it over my knee. It didn't hurt and I'd seen a video of a kid getting one smashed over his head just the night before, so ideas started brewing. We managed to find the only other bulb in the building that hadn't already been smashed and set up the camera. Turrel decided to smash me in the head like I was a fucking intruder in the night. I advise you if you ever feel the need to let someone hit you in the head with a florescent light bulb to find someone who doesn't hold aggression towards you after years of torment. Not a good plan. Regardless, fun was had and memories were made.


  1. Cool Ball. Whose is it. I have a Mojave, a Lesser and a Normal.

  2. Thanks man. She's mine. I've got her and an orange corn snake as well.
